I like turtles

Age 47

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Joined on 9/26/00

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PsychoGoldfish's News

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - April 23rd, 2008

In response to the many PMs I get asking for help with the new NG API, I have decided it would be nice to have a single place people could go for general help until we have a proper FAQ on the API section itself.

If you have any questions about the API that are not answered below, post a comment and I'll try and get your question included on here.

NG API FAQ Holy acronyms Batman!


Q: I just want to run ads, what do I need to do?

A: From the main API Page, add your movie. When the settings page loads, scroll to the 'Flash Ads' panel and make sure they are enabled. Leave all the other options disabled or blank and hit 'save changes'. Follow the installation help for your version of flash.


Q: I have the flash ad in my movie but nothing is happening, what do i do?

A: First, make sure you have the NewgroundsAPI.as file in the same folder as your game or movie. Flash 5 and MX users, you need to have the NG_API_OBJECT (not to be confused with the NG_AD_OBJECT) on a layer that spans your entire movie. View the API help page for your movie to obtain the files you need.


Q: When I test my movie, the flash ads cover everything up, what's the deal?

A: The ad unit movieclip should only appear on the frame you want the ad to run on. If it covers your whole movie, you probably have it on a layer that spans your full movie. If you are using Flash 5 or Flash MX, chances are you simply confused the NG_AD_OBJECT with the NG_API_OBJECT.


Q: I want to use version control... how do I hard code the version number into my movie?

A: You need to set your version number on the same keyframe you have the API installation code. Using the appropriate AS version, replace "1.0.3" with the correct version number.

ActionScript 1 users:
_root.NewgroundsAPI_movieVersion = "1.0.3";

Actionscript 2 & 3 users:
NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion( "1.0.3" );


Q: How do the ads work? How much money will I make?

A: The ads run on several platforms... CPM, CPC and CPA. What that means is that different ads pay for different things. Some ads pay based on how many views they get, some by how many click-throughs they get and some by how many customers buy something from the advertiser. Because much of the ad inventory is dependent on user interaction there is no way to say for sure how much money you will make. From your stats pages you can guess as to how much you will make by looking at your eCPM rates.


Q: What does eCPM mean?

A: eCPM stands for "estimated cost per mille", or in layman's terms, the average amount of money you earn for every 1000 ad impressions.


Q: Why is my eCPM so low?

A: The amount of money you earn depends directly on 2 things. The quality of your work and the level of distribution. If your work is of low quality, less people will play it and you will not have much success with ad revenue.

If your work is high quality, but you only have it on one or two sites, you limit the amount of exposure your ads get and will also earn less revenue.


Q: Can I use the ads and/or API if I have a sponsor?

A: We have no problem with that, but you should always check with your sponsor first.


Q: I want to submit my game to a site that doesn't allow in-game ads, what can I do?

A: When you install the ads in your work, you have the ability to disable them from loading on any site. Lets say you want to submit to www.adfreegames.com but they don't allow in-game ads.

Go to the settings page for your game and scroll down to the 'Flash Ads' Panel, and locate the text bar labeled Add a New Host.

Type "adfreegames.com" in the box and hit the 'add host' button.

Now, if your game is hosted by www.adfreegames.com, the ads will not load. Your ads WILL load on any sites that swipe your swf file from this site!


Q: Can I change the tank image and the black border on the ad unit?

A: The ad unit was designed so authors could customize how they look. You can change any of the artwork in the ad movieclips, just avoid altering any of the scripting or instance names. If you break the ad unit you may get limited support, so this is not recommended for novice users of Flash.


Q: Why am I getting a "There is no method with the name 'isInstalled'" error?

A: Your copy of NewgroundsAPI.as is out of date. Re-download the API for your version of flash to replace it with the latest version.

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - April 18th, 2008

So yeah, I guess the cat is out of the bag now.

Yes I do work for NG now... and yes I coded the super confusing API stuff.

On that note, I will be trying to make regular updates on the API stuff so check this userpage out every now and then to stay in the loop.

one more thing...


Posted by PsychoGoldfish - March 3rd, 2008

I hear it contains lots of nutrients and fiber, and is part of a balanced breakfast.

What do you think it tastes like?


Posted by PsychoGoldfish - February 26th, 2008

Mindchamber, who is an avid Hillary Clinton supporter, stabbed his brother-in-law for supporting Obamma.... here's the story:

in-Law-Stabs-Another-in-Vote-Disput/17 13466

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - January 31st, 2008


But now that you are here, my 9 year wedding anniversary is on the 1st so it's not a total bust!

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - January 17th, 2008


Posted by PsychoGoldfish - October 31st, 2007

For over a year NGers have been enjoying the demo version of Mini-Putt Online here on Newgrounds.

In honor of my favorite holiday, Halloween, I have uploaded the full version of the game.

The full version includes the original 2 courses as well as Spooky-Putt, a Halloween themed 18-hole course.

If that wasn't enough, Ross and I worked a little magic to allow for NG players to quick-play using their NG usernames!



Posted by PsychoGoldfish - October 15th, 2007

So, I have a minor dilema that has blown itself out of proportion.

A while back, I got a box of (12 cans) of Manwich at ye-olde Sam's club. At the moment I have this obsession with the fact that all 12 cans are still in my pantry and have yet to be used.

The obvious solution is to simply make sloppy joes, but alas... I have no ground beef.

It's cool though.... if Campbell's cream of mushroom soup and SPAM have taught me anything, there are 100's of people who have a bunch of creative recipes for can-based food, and surely the internet would provide me a creative way to use up some of this manwich that is plaguing my soul.

A half dozen Google searches later, all I have found is recpies to MAKE manwich, and variations of the traditional sloppy joe.

How the hell has Manwich gone by so long without, at least, ONE dedicated recipe site or some kind?

Has anyone done anything new with Manwich? Why hasn't this sauce technology been explored?

I call upon everyone who ever enjoyed a nice sloppy joe in their childhood to help me rectify this sadly overlooked canned commodity.

If you have any creative uses (anal lubricants aside) for manwich ... I need to know! NEH, THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!

Manwich needs your love

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - September 21st, 2007

I just wrote up a big ass walkthrough and cheat-sheet for Alkie Kong 2. If you liked the game but had troubles beating it, now you have no excuse for sucking!

The full walkthrough is at http://www.webgamemagazine.com/2007/09 /21/alkie-kong-2-walkthrough/

May the b33r be with you...

Alkie Kong 2 Cheats

Posted by PsychoGoldfish - September 12th, 2007

So last year I bought a nice big 50" RCA DLP with money I saved up to pay taxes and didn't end up owing so much.

Nive tv, wonderful picture, Dish Network HD DVR on it and all that jazz.... and I was told to expect the bulb to only last about a year or 2, so I got the service plan.

Well, sure as shit, the bulb crapped out 7 days ago... didn't fade like I was told it would... no... it just dun blew up.

I call 1-888-BEST-BUY... "hello, my dlp lamp blew, I need a new one."

"we're sorry your tv isn't working sir, we will schedule someone to come out and fix it... it's going to be in 7 days"


So yeah.. I can live without my nice tv for a week... I don't wathc it too much anyway, so I grabbed my little lcd HD screen from downstairs and hooked it up temporarily.

Well, today was the day.. I was gonna get my big screen back, so I put the lcd away, cleaned up the big tv, got it pulled out from the wall for the service guy... all ready to go.

Dude shows up right on time... opens the back, looks at the bulb

"yep, it's blown.... we'll have to order you a new one... it'll be about 7 days and I can get it installed for you"


I asked him if he could just send the bulb direct and I'd do it... "Good idea, that'll only take 2 days or so!"


Now I used to work in best buy customer service, so I get that 99% of the time when a customer tells you something is wrong on their unit, they are just retarded.... but how much technical merit do you need to take a service call from a person saying their bulb is dead, and explaining that their tv has sound but no image or light and not at least think there is a chance they are correct.

And assuming they had thought my claim was plausable... they knew the technician was 7 days out from coming over... and they could have easily looked to see if they had the lamp in stock... and if not order one.

Worst case.. they have an extra lamp all set for the next customer, right?

But no... best buy is wrapped in so much policy red tape that common sense rarely prevails.

Oh well, at least I should be able to watch saturday morning cartoons in style....