I like turtles

Age 47

NG Code Monkey

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Ur Mom

Joined on 9/26/00

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Thank god you're the first Google result for : "how do i add ads to my newgrounds animations"

The FAQ is sorely missing your precious golden nuggets of info.

Big huge help, thanks!

Ok im about as new as you can get and I have 2 games up with the newgrounds ad thing on the first frame. Now how can i tell how im doing it shows lik nothings happening or am i looking at the wrong thing. I understand my games arent that great but im gonna get better and before I get extremly serious i wanna know wat im doing and if wat im doing is right. plz comment

Does the NewgroundsAPI_FlashAds.fla get transformed into my movie or do i copy the NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() and the NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER into the original file for the movie in the first frame?

Can you also customize and change the look of the NG pre-loader?

I insert flash AD ,but it has not advertisement in test.
What to do?

how about making music? what do yo have to do in order to make money for that?

Whenever I try to download it, it opens flash (flash 8 macromedia) and says unexpected file format". It also says that when i try to dowload the preloaders anymore. it never used to. plz help

Yo dude, I made my game and all, and I put in all the codes and put in the ad and connecter and preloader and everything, but nothing comes up in the ad box, its just the ng tank. i put the encryption key in and all that, and i uploaded the game to prieview it. am i doin anything wrong?

Hi , I made a game with sprrtes metal slug and mario bros from sprite-resources , i have a problem with that ? if use the api NG?

And other question , I am from Peru , you can send a check to my country? I donĀ“t use paypal.

Hi, I'm a novice user at Newgrounds, and it is first time I use the ads. In December it appeared that I had $ 0.05, and now it is January 2012 and says I have $ 0. Another thing, I created another animation with ads, and ads are supposed to have been more than 130 times, and have not won anything according to my statistics.

Please could you help me with my problem, I have no idea what happened to my money.

Thanks in advance.

when i play a game its says im not logged in to the api and im still logged in to newgroungs

For me, the API is not working at all. It refuses to connect, even on the preview.

On Flash 8:

[Newgrounds API] :: ====== Newgrounds API v3.1.5 AS2 ======
[Newgrounds API] :: Unable to connect to the API.
[Newgrounds API] :: No medal named "First Turn" w.

And on the preview output:
Unable to connect to the API.
No medal named "First Turn" w.


Nevermind, I found out what went wrong. I messed with the component in the library instead of the properties and THAT's what broke it.

I got it working.

Sorry for wasting comment space

how long will it take to get flash ads approved?

How do I integrate ADs in my Unity Games ???????? Plz Reply soon